09.00 & 18.30

Christ Church is a member of the REACH South Africa (Reformed Evangelical Anglican)
family of churches which has a rich history of gospel work in Southern Africa. As such we
strive both doctrinally and in practice to be Evangelical, Reformed, and Conservative.
The gospel of God is the good news promised in the Old Testament about Jesus Christ our Lord, who died for our sins, was raised to life for our salvation, and will return to judge the living and the dead. We are committed to continually renewing our faith and reforming our ministry practice in light of this foundational message.
The universal Church is the body, of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, where believers are committed to Christ and each other. Through the faithful preaching of the Word and speaking the truth in love, the body of Christ is equipped for works of service and built up into maturity.
The whole Bible is the inspired, inerrant, complete and authoritative Word of God. Its central message is about the salvation offered to all humanity in Christ. Through the Bible and the Spirit’s enabling we are able to come to a true knowledge of God, and we are given all we need for living lives worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Church is called to participate in the mission of God, which is to redeem a people for Himself from every tribe, language, people and nation. We expect the Spirit to continue to empower us to grow in obedience to Jesus Christ, and to be faithful witnesses to him as we make disciples of all nations.

Grant Retief
Senior Minister

Sean de Kock
Student Minister

Trudette Johannes
Music Director &
Service Coordinator

Lillibet Retief
Volunteer Coordinator

Lombard Paul
Youth & Evangelism Coordinator

Thea Viljoen
Member Care & Trainee Coordinator

Samantha Mitchell
Children's Minister & Operations Manager